67% skim vs. reading word-by-word

How do people read news online?
They don’t, according to the latest Harris Interactive poll.
Instead, they skim.
So stop writing solely for readers — a mere 19% if your audience, according to the Harris study. And start writing for skimmers and scanners.
To do that, pass The Skim Test. Encapsulate your key messages in the:
- Headline
- Deck, or one-sentence summary under the headline
- Subheads
- Links
- Lists
- Bold-faced lead-ins
- Highlighted key words
That way, you’ll still reach your readers. But you’ll get the word out to your skimmers, scanners and other nonreaders as well.
Do you need to get the word out to more of your audience members? If so, reach out. I’ll help your team learn to Write Better, Easier & Faster.
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